Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My Ideas for Remix 9/29/2010

Just after hearing about Remix assignment and what Remix was I had an idea creating a video game-like sequence. This will consist of having an old version of a video game playing with a very new + underground, highly equalized song underlying the video. I was thinking of then splicing a new and updated version of the video game and transitioning the video game into the new version at a pivotal point in time (such as the final battle). While this video transition turns from 8-bit graphics into highly pixilated ones so to will the underlying song change from an High Quality version into an 8-bit rendition of the song. This is all to show what was mentioned in the lecture as being a juxtaposition of the old as well as the new. Also I am trying to actually invoke an uncomfortable reaction in the viewer, as part of my goal is to try and demonstrate how both the old image and new audio coupled along with the new image and old audio do not necessarily coincide with one another. Two inspirations for this project are A) my love of playing video games (such as Mario and Super Mario Bros. or Resident Evil and B) recently discovered enjoyment of listening to some of my favorite songs being turned into 8-bit style songs specifically the works of underground metal bands such as Veil of Maya and Born of Osiris.

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