Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Ideas for Remix 10/06/2010

After a great amount of consideration I decided to vote against my original idea of something as simple as video-game transitioning. Now I've come up with a new concept that I am more certain of and passionate about. It is my personal belief that nature, that is the natural world, is constantly becoming overwhelmed by technology. It is in this that I have found my inspiration for the Remix project. For the video segment I intend to cut in between two videos showing the destruction of nature and finally the destruction of the self. For the images I intend to show the same concept to be displayed before the video as to open up the topic. These will depict how nature is constantly under a dome of technology, unable to break free and always taking the back seat in priority among human beings. As I have said the inspiration for this came upon my belief that humans are destroying nature and A) paying no attention to the repercussions and B) not atoning for their actions. This coupled along with watching catastrophes such as the oil spill in Florida really got me thinking and I feel that I could make a strong statement through my art.

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